Maciek Tomczak

Scientist, Machine Learning and Sound Engineer, Musician


Hi! I’m Maciek (formal spelling Maciej), a data scientist at Fintern in London.

Research: My research interests lie in the areas of automated music transformations and generative models for audio synthesis, with an emphasis on introducing control over rhythmic manipulation of percussion recordings. For more information about my background and research, please take a look at my CV and Google Scholar page.

Previously: I graduated with a PhD in Generative Modelling for Audio Synthesis from the Birmingham City University (BCU) where I was advised by Dr Jason Hockman. Prior to that I received my BSc degree in Sound Engineering and Production from BCU. Past antics this way.

Music and Dubbing: I also enjoy creating various sound and music projects. Since 2009, I’ve been part of NanoKarrin, the largest Polish fandubbing group that brings together amateurs, professionals and everyone in between. My roles include sound engineering (mixing & mastering of music projects) and recruitment. For more details, please see this page.


Jul 2024 Represented Fintern at the ClearScore summer event 2024, London, United Kingdom
Jan 2024 Joined Fintern in London as senior data scientist
Nov 2023 Presented Virtuoso Strings :violin: Dataset at the ISMIR Conference, Milan, Italy
Sep 2023 Presented paper on onset detection at the AudioMostly Conference, Edinburgh, Scotland
Jan 2022 Our journal paper on deep audio FX for snare drum recording transformations got accepted to the JAES
Aug 2021 Our late-breaking demo on style-based drum synthesis with GAN inversion got accepted at the ISMIR Conference
Dec 2020 Joined ARME Project as postdoc researcher